
Combine reliefs


I am trying to combine reliefs and paste texture on top of a relief and then a clip art. However, clip art picks up texture relief as well. I would like the clip art to not have the texture on it. What do I do?



  • Put your texture file on one layer your clip-art on another layer (or two) in this case your batman insignia should have a vector around the outside of it use that you are going to use to zero out on the texture layer, after that combine the layers and you will not have any texture on batman's  symbol


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  • Thank you Mike! Unfortunately looks like this functionality is unavailable for me in the Maker+. However, I've seen an image circling around the net, that utilizes what looks like a very old ArtCam version. Looks like this guy takes and B/W image that fits his model size and somehow creates a relief off of it and puts it on the model. Is it possible to do in the Maker+? and how would I go about doing it?

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