How do I migrate my Carveco software license to a different device?

Customers working in Carveco Version: 1.9 Build: 2019-10-17-1305-62c25d7e or above with a perpetual license or an active subscription can migrate their Carveco software license from one working device to another.

To deactivate your Carveco software license on the working device on which it is currently activated:

  1. Start your Carveco software.
  2. Select the Help > About Carveco menu option. The About box is displayed.
  3. In the About box, click Deactivate. The Software Deactivation popup is displayed, explaining the outcome of deactivating your license and including a Get Help link to this article.
  4. Click:
    • Deactivate to deactivate the license on your device. Your Carveco software then software shuts down.
    • Cancel to close the Software Deactivation popup without deactivating the license on your device.


Your Carveco software license is now free to be activated on an alternate working device that meets the software's system requirements. Ensure that you install and activate the Carveco software on your alternate working device using the latest software installer together with either the:

  • registered email address and unique alphanumeric license key sent there; or
  • email address and password associated with your Carveco account.


For details on which activation method you must use, see: How do I activate my Carveco software?

Where a device on which your Carveco software license has previously been activated is now faulty and beyond repair, and it is therefore not possible to complete the license deactivation process, please create and submit a support request providing the name of the device:

  • which is faulty and beyond repair; and
  • on which your Carveco software license currently remains activated.

Use the following Microsoft support article to retrieve the name of your device: Do you need help locating your computer name?

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  • Does this mean that if I do not have a subscription or active maintenance program that I cannot move my software from an old PC to a new one?

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Hi Barry,

    Customers with a perpetual Carveco software license are able to migrate their license between computers regardless of whether they have an active maintenance plan or not.

    Customers with an active Carveco subscription are able to migrate their software license between computers; customers without an active Carveco subscription lose access to their software, so cannot migrate their expired software license.

    All customers must be working in Carveco 1.9 Build: 2019-10-17-1305-62c25d7e or above; earlier builds do not support the license deactivation and migration process.

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  • Thank you for the reply. The information above should be made clearer as it does not indicate this. Gave me a bit of a shock I must say.

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  • Hi hope you all are staying safe. I have just bought a new laptop because the one I had is slowed down when working in Carveco. Its just not strong enough. I also have Carveco on my desktop (main computer for Carveco.)My license is perpetual. I want to delete Carveco from my old laptop to install it on my new laptop.
    how dose this work?

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  • Read the first post in this thread Evonne. It will tell you how to do this. All the best to you and yours.

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  • What is wrong why do I need maintenance to change my computers with a perpetual licence? I finally was able to get a decent laptop so I can work from home. I have deactivated the old laptop it was not meant to run Carveco its just to slow.

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Hi Evonne,

    You don't require an active maintenance plan to migrate your Carveco software license from one computer to another, but you must ensure that you've installed only the most recent version of Carveco which your license permits you to use. In your case, you're entitled to use Carveco Version: 1.17 Build: 2020-0727-0736-50338108, and no later. If you attempt to install and activate a later version of Carveco on your computer, you'll be prevented from using the software until you either (a) install Carveco Version: 1.17 Build: 2020-0727-0736-50338108 (or a prior release), or (b) renew your lapsed maintenance plan.

    Thanks for your time and consideration.

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Hi,
    I just upgraded to Maker + , I have it installed on the computer that runs my small CNC but wanted to have a faster separate laptop to work on projects in my home office. So I bought one and installed Maker + on it all was going great until the new laptop froze up and quit working completely. after contacting manufacturer it was decided I would need to send in the laptop repairs or replacement either way the laptop would not have Maker + or anything I had on it. So my question is when I get it back how can I re-install Maker + because I was not able to deactivate it as the laptop was locked up and could not do anything.
    Thank You.

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  • Hi Jerry,

    Your post has been escalated to a Support Request by Carveco Support, and the associated ticket is #4519.

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  • Hi I have Carco Version: 1.17 Build: 2020-07-27-0736-50338108 without a support contract, unfortunately it is out of my price range. I need to uninstall from my SSD and install it on my much larger D Drive. Is this possible.
    Brian Sowerby

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  • Hi Brian,

    Your post has been escalated to a Support Request by Carveco Support, and the associated ticket is #4736.

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  • The 2 hard drives are on the same laptop. Regards Brian

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Hi Brian,

    Please reply to the open Support Request (#4736) rather than posting here.

    Thanks for your time and cooperation.

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  • Hi everyone hope you and yours are ok. I have a number of family members in the Bahamas with covid.
    I am wondering about my perpetual licence and my second computer. It begins to start then turns off, this happens 4 and 5 times before it actually starts. I am not on maintenance and I was told its because my new computer has a newer version of windows 10. So if I want to solve the problem I have to pay for maintenance. how is that a perpetual licence? its supposed to go on any second computer that has the specification to run it and run properly. Seems to me to be some kind of gimmick. I am not trying to sound rude but this fight to get it started on my new computer stressing.


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  • Evonne, you could try to roll back the computer to before the MS update.

    Also, if it were an update issue I would think all PCs with Win 10 would have the same problem. This does not seem to be the case so I would think the problem is unique to your PC,

    Also,  I am wondering if the support you are looking for would only be provided to a maintenance subscriber,,,,,in other words,,,,,,your license is for the program and perpetual support does not come with it.

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  • Top statement does not say one has to be on maintenance. perpetual license means never ending. I am supposed to be able to transfer Carvco to another computer without problems. I dont need the other updated versions. I have yet to see any useful tools on the updates to make up dating worth the money. Plus with covid the loss work and lock downs I cant afford it. I am struggling to pay rent for my shop.
    It dose not state perpetual license only if you have maintenance to change computers... with artcam when I changed computers they sent me a new key no maintenance.


    from my emails.

    Carveco Support (Carveco Support)

    17 Mar 2021, 11:23 GMT
    Hi Evonne,

    I hope that you're well.

    I'm contacting you regarding the error reports you've submitted on February 20th, February 21st, March 1st 2021, March 13th 2021 and March 17th 2021.

    Each of your submitted error reports confirm that you're working in Carveco Version: 1.17 Build: 2020-05-12-1605-9a04f91a.

    A fix for your reported error was included as part of the Carveco 1.19 release; details are provided in the Release Notes available on our company website:

    Unfortunately, because the maintenance plan associated with your Carveco software license (Order Number: CS1181) has lapsed, you aren't entitled to use any release later than Carveco Version: 1.17 Build: 2020-05-12-1605-9a04f91a. If you would like to discuss renewing your maintenance plan, please contact our Sales team directly by email at; an agent will be happy to assist you.

    If you have any further questions or requests, please do not hesitate to ask.

    Thanks for your time and consideration.

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  • Hi Evonne,

    Your perpetual Carveco software license has not been invalidated at any point in time, and there is nothing preventing you from migrating your perpetual Carveco software license from one computer to another. You need to complete the steps provided in the knowledge base article on which you're commenting now.

    The only limitation that you have is that you must install Carveco Version: 1.17 Build: 2020-05-12-1605-9a04f91a on the new computer on which you want to install and activate your Carveco software license, and this is because your license does not permit you to use a more recent Carveco software release.

    Thanks for your time and consideration.

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Hi Barry,

    Regarding your statement "if it were an update issue I would think all PCs with Win 10 would have the same problem. This does not seem to be the case so I would think the problem is unique to your PC.", please consider that not every customer is working in exactly the same version and build of Carveco or exactly the same build of the Windows 10 operating system.

    The fixes we include in our software updates are documented in the Release Notes page on our company website:

    As part of the Carveco 1.19 Update, we implemented a fix in relation to intermittent crashing that only became evident after Microsoft had released a Windows 10 Update.

    Thanks for your time and consideration.

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  • Maybe you dont understand the Carveco on my laptop works it just that I have to start it 4 and 5 times to get it to work. Click to open the little carvco window comes on then off 4 and 5 times. then it opens.

    Thanks for you quick response and suggestions to solve this frustrating problem.


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  • Hi Evonne,

    We do understand the nature of your reported issue; this is why we can confirm how and when the issue of intermittent crashing on start up has been addressed. We understand your frustration and, in the absence of being able to update beyond Carveco Version: 1.17 Build: 2020-05-12-1605- 9a04f91a, we've provided you with suggestions that could potentially improve the situation for you on your computer.

    Thanks again for your time and understanding.

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  • I installed a new hard drive and installed Carveco on it and now I cant open the software? HELP!!!!

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  • Hi Clinton,

    Please reply to Support Request #9046.

    Thanks for your time and cooperation.

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