I've forgotten my online store account password. What can I do?

If you've forgotten the password for your online store account, you can reset it using your registered email address. Alternatively, contact us to request that we initiate a password reset on your behalf.


Once you've reset your password, this is what you must use from hereon when logging in to your online store account.


This password cannot be used to activate a Carveco software license.

To reset your password:

    1. Browse to https://store-us.carveco.com/account/login. The Log in page is displayed.
    2. Beside the Log in button, click Forgot your password? The Reset your password settings are displayed.
    3. In the Email box, type your registered email address. The Log in page is displayed.


      If you've forgotten your registered email address, select the Help > About Carveco menu option in your Carveco software. The About box is displayed, which includes your registered email address. Alternatively, contact us for confirmation of it.

    4. If you're uncertain about your registered email address, select the Help > About Carveco menu option in your Carveco software. The About box is displayed, which includes your registered email address.
    5. Click Submit. A password reset email is sent from store@carveco.com to your registered email address.
    6. From the password reset email, click Reset Password. The Reset account password page is displayed in a new browser tab with your registered email address shown.
    7. In both the Password and Confirm Password boxes, type the new password you want to use.
    8. Click Reset Password. Your password is updated and you're automatically logged in to your online store account with the My account page displayed.
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